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Convocazioni per il Torneo Internazionale Sofia Cup | 4 – 6 Aprile 2021

Sofia Maffeis - foto di Alessandro Squassoni

Chiuso il capitolo della prima World Cup con un grande successo italiano, il nostro team si prepara a ripartire per Sofia per l’appuntamento con il Torneo Internazionale.


Programma – orario locale

Potrebbe essere un'immagine raffigurante il seguente testo "PROGRAMME SOFIA CUP 04-06 April 2021 Sofia, Sofia sports hall 02nd April 2021 Friday 13.00 -19.00h FLG 3rd April 2021 Saturday 08.00- 20.00h Sofia Trainings according schedule Orientation meeting Sports Hall Sofia 4thApril 2021 Sunday 08.20-09.00h 09.00-09.25h 11.10-12.10h 12.10 12.50h 12.50-13.15h 13.40-14.40h 14.40h 14.55- 15.55h Judges meeting Sports Hall Sofia Junior Balls Juniors competition Group hoop ball Juniors competition Group hoop and ball Lunch Junior B-5 Balls Juniors competition Group -hoop and ball Juniors competition Group hoop and ball 19.40-20.55h Seniors around Group and ball Seniors around Group B- hoop and ball Senior All around Group C-hoop and ball"
Nessuna descrizione della foto disponibile.
Potrebbe essere un'immagine raffigurante il seguente testo "6th April 2021 Tuesday Finals 11.00-12.00 12.00-12.30 12.00- 12.35-13.05 13.10- 13.10-13.40 Judges meeting Sports Hall Sofia Juniors Groups 5 Balls Juniors Groups 5 Ribbons Awarding Ceremony Juniors RGG Finals 1-3 place Lunch Junior Hoop Junior Ball Junior Clubs Juniors Ribbon Awarding Ceremony Juniors RGI Finals- 1-3 place Seniors Hoop Seniors Ball Seniors Clubs Seniors Ribbon Awarding Ceremony Seniors RGI Finals 14.00-14.25 14.30- -14.55 15.00-15.25 15.30-15.55 16.00-16.30 16.40-17.05 17.10-17.35 17.40-18.05 18.10-18.35 18.30 18.30-19.00 7th April 2021 Wednesday 3 place Departure of delegation"